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Saturday, June 5, 2010

Check Your Local Genealogical Society!

Your local genealogical society can be another good source of useful information. You may find that historical information you are looking for has already been collected and documented by them. In any case it is a good idea to visit them and explain who you are and what you are looking for, you will usually find they are willing to offer some assistance.

Many genealogical societies are now accepting submissions of family history as well as the local history of the area.

I would even suggest that you join the local genealogical society, as it is a great way to find out about the history of the area and the people who lived there. You will also gain valuable training in genealogical research which will assist you greatly in the future. It is also a great way to meet new people and make new friends who share an interest in genealogy.

You will generally find that a genealogical society will make any new member most welcome, and that they will be looking forward to your input of new ideas.

A great example of the kind of information that a genealogical society can have is at Ballarat Genealogy , a huge amount of work has gone into creating this wonderful database of information, I can even find my own name there when I do a search!. Well done to Daryl Povey and his team at Ballarat Genealogy. If you have a genealogical society and have yet to get it online in a website, you will get some fantastic ideas by looking at what they have done.

I hope you are continuing to enjoy your family history and genealogy research.

Until next time.

Peter Annett

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